第16题: [单项选择]"Sound", as defined by the psychologist, ______. A. can be measured in the same way that "noise" is measured B. may be extremely harmful to health C. is not at all different from "noise" D. can be measured by machines 参考答案:D 答案解析:[分析] 明示题。原文提到:“Sound” is measured physically in decibels.
第35题: [多项选择]某县公安机关在侦破一起敲诈勒索案的过程中,依法收集到犯罪嫌疑人通过电话进行敲诈的录音磁带一盘。请问,该录音磁带属于下列选项所列证据种类和证据分类中的什么证据( ) A. 犯罪嫌疑人、被告人的供述和辩解 B. 视听资料 C. 直接证据 D. 间接证据 参考答案:B,C 答案解析:凡是能直接证明案件主要事实的证据,称为直接证据;凡是需要与其他证据相结合才能证明案件主要事实的证据,则为间接证据。本题有关犯罪嫌疑人通过电话进行敲诈的录音磁带,在证据种类上属于视听资料,在证据分类上,