第19题: [多项选择] {$mediaurl} Describe the woman’s problem and the two suggestions the professor makes about how to deal with it. What do you think the woman should do, and why 参考答案:Key points: . The woman’s problem is that she has not yet decided whether to look for a job or go to graduate school after her graduation. . The professor suggests that if she decides to go to graduate school, she should apply early. She should research graduate programs and learn about admissions requirements. . The professor suggests that if she decides to look for a job, she should write a resume of her qualifications and work experience. (C.H, C.A0) 答案解析:[解析] Now listen to a conversation between a student and a professor. W: Hi, Professor Benso
第22题: [单项选择]可用于各种内外出血证以及瘀滞血证、血淋的药物是( ) A. 三七 B. 白及 C. 茜草 D. 仙鹤草 E. 蒲黄 参考答案:E 答案解析:[解析] 蒲黄止血,化瘀,利尿,甘平,长于收敛止血,兼有活血行瘀之功,为止血行瘀之良药,有止血不留瘀的特点,对出血证无论属寒属热,有无瘀滞,均可应用,但以属实夹瘀者尤宜。