第24题: [单项选择]To reduce the weight of the reciprocating parts, pistons of high-speed engines are made considerably shorterThis results in () A. less piston slap and quieter running B. increased crankshaft bearing wear C. slightly greater piston wear D. decreased side pressures 参考答案:C
第32题: [单项选择]男性,40岁,食管癌,食管明显梗阻,术前减轻患者食管黏膜水肿的措施是 A. 术前禁食 B. 营养支持 C. 纠正水、电解质和酸碱失衡 D. 加强口腔卫生 E. 术前3天温盐水洗胃 参考答案:E 答案解析:对食管癌进食后滞留或进食后反流者,术前1日晚给予甲硝唑100mg、庆大霉素16万U加生理盐水100ml经鼻胃管冲洗食管及胃,可减轻局部充血水肿,减少术中污染以防止吻合口瘘。