第30题: [多项选择]甲乙所订合同属何性质的合同 A. 买卖合同 B. 委托合同 C. 承揽合同. D. 承揽和买卖的混合合同 参考答案:C 答案解析:[测试点] 承揽合同。
[解析] 《合同法》第251条的规定,承揽合同是承揽人按照定作人的要求完成工作,交付工作成果,定作人给付报酬的合同。本题中,甲公司为定作人,乙方为承揽人,他们之间的合同为承揽
第31题: [简答题]A. It’s a responsibility to calculate the invoice. B. It’s a responsibility to accumulate the values. C. There will be a taxation on the invoices. D. There will be a taxation which will be calculated according to the amount on the invoice. 参考答案: 答案解析:[解析] The duty shall be calculated against the invoice value.