第18题: [单项选择]浓香翻滚技术主要是指什么()。 A. 通过持续不间断小剂量排气,使锅内外形成压差,从而带动锅内食物的翻滚沸腾,实现汤浓饭香 B. 密闭的电压力锅进行加热,使锅内产生压力,锅内食物温度超过原有的沸点,实现食物的快速加热 C. 在食物烹饪的后期,焖香阀会自动关闭,对食物进行焖饭补炊,焖出食物原有的香味 D. 烹饪开始后随时可设加菜功能,过程中有音乐自动提示开盖加菜,智能提示加汤、加料、加菜,想加就加,方便快捷,彻底告别“一锅熟”时代 参考答案:A
第22题:[简答题]<br><br><br/>参考答案:Today,we must reaffirm the founding purposes of the United Nations,80 that it can better serve states and people alike in the new era.We hold the view that global affairs are no longer the exclusive province of a few big powers,but subject to the joint efforts of all member states for effective resolution.I believe two strategies will be essential to realize the potential of our Organization/the United Nations.// First,we must enhance/further the coordination among Member States and our most vital role will be to engage collective action on the basis of equality and mutual benefit.Second,the United Nations must fully exploit the great promise of the Information Age.The digital revolution has unleashed an unprecedented wave of technological change.It can greatly help improve our chances of defeating poverty and better meeting our objectives for global modernization. 答案解析:[解析] 今天,我们必须重申创建联合国的宗旨,以便能更好地在新时代服务于各国和人民。我们认为,全球事务已不再专属于某些大国,而必须由所有成员国共同参与才能得到有效处理。我认为,有两项战
第26题: [单项选择]下列金融产品中,具有较好流动性的是( )。 A. 证券投资基金 B. 银行理财产品 C. 券商集合计划 D. 银行定期存款 参考答案:A 答案解析:[解析] 通常来说,股票、债券、活期储蓄存款、证券投资基金具有较好的流动性,投资者可以很方便地实现投资变现。相比之下,银行理财产品、信托产品、券商集合计划通常实行间歇性开放,流动性较差;而保单、定期存