第9题: [简答题]What are the principles of behaviourism 参考答案:The principles of behaviourism are as follow: (1) Psychologists should study what could be observed publicly and objectively instead of considering animal’s mental events. (2) Behaviourism believes that the study should be focused on learning and the relation between stimuli and responses.
第35题: [单项选择]对咽炎的描述下列哪项不正确() A. 慢性咽炎是由于急性咽炎延误治疗所致 B. 致病菌为溶血性链球菌或肺炎双球菌 C. 致病菌为流行性感冒或病毒 D. 萎缩或干燥性咽炎多由萎缩性鼻炎蔓延所致 E. 慢性咽炎与龋齿无关 参考答案:E 答案解析:慢性咽炎常与邻近器官或全身性疾病并存,如鼻窦炎、腺样体残留或潴留脓肿、咽囊炎等,也包括龋齿。