第16题: [单项选择]下面关于for循环的正确描述是 A. for循环只能用于循环次数已经确定的情况 B. for循环是先执行循环体语句,后判断表达式 C. 在for循环中,不能用break语句跳出循环体 D. for循环的循环体语句中,可以包含多条语句,但必须用花括号括起来 参考答案:D 答案解析:[解析] for循环作为C语言中的一种重要的控制结构之一。
第32题: [单项选择]What does the first paragraph say about the "penny press" A. It was known for its in-depth news reporting. B. It had an involvement with some political parties. C. It depended on the business community for survival. D. It aimed at pleasing the general public. 参考答案:D 答案解析:本题问第一段就大众报纸说了些什么。由It did not necessarily follow that all the penny papers would be superior in their