第31题: [单项选择]{{B}}Passage One{{/B}} A. Provide the cash needed by college presidents. B. Work more closely with colleges on capital shortage. C. Help colleges to expand their facilities and improve their teaching. D. Do away with those fuzzy-minded and radical professors. 参考答案:C 答案解析:[听力原文]
What does the passage suggest that industrial corporations do to get the manpower they need
第35题: [单项选择]在抗日民主政权后期制定的各种宪法性文件中,具有代表性的是( )。 A. 《抗日救国十大纲领》 B. 《陕甘宁边区宪法原则》 C. 《陕甘宁边区施政纲领》 D. 《陕甘宁边区抗战时期施政纲领》 参考答案:C 答案解析:[精解] 抗日民主政权在抗战后期制定了许多具有宪法性质的《施政纲领》,但是最具有代表性的是《陕甘宁边区施政纲领》,因为该纲领增加了“三三制”政权组织形式和保障人权的崭新内容。故选C项。