[单项选择]What’s said about gardening in Britain( ) A. More than half of the British people are engaged in gardening. B. Government approves people to use public places for gardening. C. Private gardening in public places often takes place late at night.
参考答案:C 答案解析:
Odd things are happening to Brits... we seem to be developing green fingers! The number of pe
第27题: [单项选择]根据《企业破产法》的规定,破产程序终结后,债权人发现破产人有应当供分配的其他财产,可以请求人民法院按照破产财产分配方案进行追加分配的法定期间是( )。 A. 破产程序终结后半年内 B. 破产程序终结后一年内 C. 破产程序终结后二年内 D. 破产程序终结后三年内 参考答案:C 答案解析:[解析] 自破产程序终结之时起2年内,债权人发现有依照法律规定应当追回的财产或者有应当供分配的其他财产的,可以请求人民法院按照破产财产分配方案进行追加分配。