A. people are not as capable as they think B. lack of ability results in lack of determination C. lack of competence leads to failure D. people can be more capable than they think 参考答案:D 答案解析:[解析]事实细节题。文章最后一段提到“This experience made him realize that many people have more ability than they thi
第31题: [多项选择]在进行情景演练时,可以提前安排也可以临时抽取人员进行演练,对于这两种做法说法正确的是(). A. 提前安排情景演练,可以让参加演练的人更好展现知识点与挑战点,观摩的人能很快领会展示内容。 B. 临时抽取人员进行情景演练不能真正反映学员对知识的领悟与表现。 C. 临时抽取人员进行情景演练可以发现大家学习过程中问题,能有针对性的辅导或纠正。 D. 临时抽取人员进行情景演练对导入人员要求更高,需要灵活的现场应变与熟练的知识掌握。 参考答案:A, C, D