A. larger than the party above the water B.
stay near the iceberg C. melt away just as unnoticed
D. larger crystals E. stay away from iceberg
F. above the water
The underwater part of an iceberg is______. 参考答案:A 答案解析:[解析] 答案相关句在第三段第三句“Most of their bulk is hidden below the water,so tlaeir underwater parts may extend
第30题: [单项选择]仙方活命饮与普济消毒饮两方均含有的药物是 A. 贝母 B. 连翘 C. 金银花 D. 陈皮 E. 乳香 参考答案:D 答案解析:仙方活命饮组成为金银花、白芷、贝母、防风、赤芍、归尾、甘草节、皂角刺、穿山甲、天化粉、乳香、陈皮;普济消毒饮组成为黄芩、黄连、陈皮、甘草、玄参、柴胡、桔梗、连翘、板蓝根、马勃、牛蒡子、薄荷、僵蚕、升麻