第17题: [单项选择]齐某,头部外伤后出现昏迷,休克,急诊入院,病室值班护士首先要做的护理工作是 A. 迎接病人 B. 简单做入院介绍 C. 简短向病人家属介绍住院环境 D. 边通知医生,边做好抢救准备工作 E. 立即进行人工呼吸、心外按压 参考答案:D 答案解析:病人头部外伤、昏迷、休克,病情危重,护士应边通知医生,边做好抢救准备工作。
第18题: [简答题]The cheese burger didn’t order onions. 参考答案:The subject "cheeseburger" has no acting power and can not perform any actions. The agent should be the person who ordered the cheeseburger. But the sentence is understandable although "cheeseburger" is placed in the subject’s position because we think in a metonymic way. Such an expression might be used when the cheeseburger is served to the person who did not order one with onions.
第24题: [单项选择]What does the phrase "a mixed blessing" (Line 6, Paragraph 3) mean A. All kinds of good things. B. Something mixed with confusions. C. Something both good and bad. D. Something mixed with optimistic and pessimistic results. 参考答案:C 答案解析:语义题。文章第三段第三句提到“Messrs Greenberg和Ebbers的倒台强调了政府不断提高的作用——尤其是罪犯检举人——在限制老板解释方面:一种最多是 a mixed blessing的发展
第25题: [单项选择]确定脊柱侧弯角度测定Cobb角应该使用()。 A. 脊柱X线片 B. 脊柱CT片 C. 脊柱MRI片 D. 脊柱USE片 E. 脊柱波纹照片 参考答案:A 答案解析:Cobb角测量方法为:在脊柱X线正位片上,侧弯最上端椎体延长线的垂线与最下端椎体延长线的垂线相交所形成的交角即为Cobb角。