With the economic development and globalization,communications among countries are becoming more and more frequent.We are eager to communicate with the outside world to learn advanced technologies,to cooperate with other countries and to build up a friendly relationship with them.So I choose foreign language learning as my academic ambition. The Uses of language can be incarnated in many aspects.When you mastered a foreign language,you would be able to experience first hand the great literature of another peo pie;you would experience directly the power and subtleties of the original,which are often lost in translation;you would feel the flow of the language,the combinations of sound and word order,aIl of which combine to bring the work alive,alive as the artists have intentionally planned. Furt hermore,language exchange is a prerequisite for cultural exchange.To learn an other language helps gain knowledge about another culture.Language itself is part of the culture too.Through learning another language,one can not only have a more profound and thorough notion that every country has different customs and cultures but also see that there are other ways to see how men are related to the environment. With China’s reform and opening up to the outside world,international cultural ex changes are getting more prevalent in every trade and profession.It is enjoyable and useful to learn foreign languages.Therefore,I will persist in my academic ambition and try my best to make it come true.
第11题: [多项选择]国际私法实践中,常以特征履行规则,也即以合同的特征性履行决定合同的最密切联系,并以此确定合同准据法。根据这一规则,特征履行行为具体包括以下哪些行为 A. 买卖合同中卖方的交货行为 B. 运输合同中承运人运输货物的行为 C. 制造或装配合同中制造人或装配人的制造或装配行为 D. 仓储保管合同中被保管人交付保管物的行为 参考答案:A,B,C 答案解析:【测试点】 特征履行规则。
【解析】 特征履行规则是国际合同的当事人未选择适用于合同的法律时,根据合同的特殊性质确定合同准据法的理论。特征履行行为具体包括买卖合同中卖方的交货行为,运输合同中承运人运
第12题: [单项选择]风险管理的具体目标有() A. 损失前目标和损失后目标 B. 损失中目标 C. 损失前目标 D. 损失后目标 参考答案:A
第18题: [单项选择]下列选项中属于民法上的物的是( )。 A. 太阳 B. 商标 C. 心脏病人体内安装的起搏器 D. 支票 参考答案:D 答案解析:[解析] 本题考核对民法上的物的判断。物是指人们能够支配或控制的物质实体或自然力。太阳不能为人所实际控制和支配,安在人体内的心脏起搏器与人体连为一体,是人体的组成部分;商标不是有体物,是智力成果。支票