第10题: [简答题]MEMO To:Sara Lyons From: Date:14 March 2008 Subject:Trip to Geneva 参考答案:MEMO To:Sara Lyons From:Mary Barton Date:14 March 2008 Subject:Trip to Geneva Dear Sara, I have to leave for an international conference in Geneva next week.The trip will last 3 days,so you won’t see me until next Thursday. I would like you to arrange the training session we have decided to hold next Monday morning.And I will be happy to see the training report while I come back. Mary Barton
第15题:[单选题]患者男性,53岁,腹痛腹胀,呕吐胃内容物及胆汁3小时。近4个月来时有腹胀,大便带黏液,大便次数增加,每日2~3次,无排便不尽及里急后重感。体检:T36℃,P90次/分钟,BP115/70mmHg;腹膨隆,未见肠型,腹软,右下腹可触及一斜行肿 针对该患者的术前准备,错误的是 A. 生命体征平稳可取半坐卧位 B. 合理输液并记录出入量 C. 禁食 D. 胃肠减压 E. 从胃管注入等渗平衡溶液清洁肠道 参考答案:E