(A)Language learning is sometimes contrasted with language learning on the assumption that these are different processes. The term "acquisition" is used to refer to picking up a language through exposure, whereas the term "learning" is used to refer to the conscious study of a language. In other words, "language acquisition" refers to the subconscious processes by which a language is learnt in a natural setting while "language learning" refers to the conscious processes by which a language is learnt in a tutored setting.
In the field of second language study, however, the term "second language acquisition" is a cover term to refer to both the subconscious or conscious processes by which a language other than the mother tongue is learnt in a natural or a tutored setting.
(B)An area where individuals show differences in their abilities to discriminate events or visual, auditory, or tactile cues from their surrounding environments is known as field-dependence/field- independence. Herman Witkin conducted much of the original research in this area in the AIE0s. A field- dependent person has difficulty finding a geometric shape that is embedded or "hidden" in a background with similar (but not identical) lines and shapes. A person who is field-independent can readily identify the geometric shape, regardless of the background in which it is set. This manner of interpretation, however, is not limited to visual cues.
People who are field-dependent are frequently described as being very interpersonal and having a well-developed ability to read social cues and to openly convey their own feelings. By contrast, individuals who are field-independent use an "internal" frame of reference and can easily impose their own sense of order in a situation that is lacking structure. They are also observed to function autonomously in social settings. They are sometimes described as impersonal and task-oriented. These people, however, do have the ability to discern their own identity of self from the field.
(C)contrastive analysis is a way of comparing languages in order to determine potential errors for the ultimate purpose of isolating what needs to be learned and what does not need to be learned in a second language situation. The goal of contrastive analysis is to predict what areas will be easy to learn and what areas will be difficult to learn.
The fact that not all errors are explicable by contrastive analysis resulted in a disillusionment with contrastive analysis. Gradually contrastive analysis was replaced by the error analysis movement, a major claim of which is that many errors made by LB learners were caused by factors other than LA interference. Corder claimed that errors are not just to be seen as something to be eradiated, but rather can be important in and of themselves. Errors often arise from the learner’s lack of knowledge, it represents a lack of competence. For example, the learner utilizes some LA features rather than that of the target language itself, such as overgeneralization, which arises when the learner applies a rule in a situation where the rule does not apply.
[解析] 本题主要考查二语习得中的一些基本概念,属识记性知识,只要找到相关部分即可,需要时适当举例