第2题: [单项选择]Some people apparently have an amazing ability to ______ the right answer. A. come up with B. look up to C. put up with D. clear up 参考答案:A 答案解析:look up to尊敬;put up with忍受;clear up弄干净,(天)晴。A项come up with表示“想到,想出(答案、办法)”,符合文意。
第3题:[单选题]在ASCII码表中,根据码值由小到大的排列顺序是( )。 A. 空格字符、数字符、大写英文字母、小写英文字母 B. 数字符、空格字符、大写英文字母、小写英文字母 C. 空格字符、数字符、小写英文字母、大写英文字母 D. 数字符、大写英文字母、小写英文字母、空格字符 参考答案:A
第25题: [多项选择]For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled About Keeping Indoors You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below. 1. 目前很多年轻人大部分时间喜欢“宅”在家里,很少外出进行户外活动 2. 对这种做法有人表示支持,也有人并不赞成 3. 我的观点 参考答案:①Have you ever been surprised by the trend that more and more youngsters choose to slay indoors to spend the majority of their spare time either playing cyber games. watching flints or TV programs ②Those who support this means of killing time hold that staying indoors can make one fully relaxed. without worrying about issues like security. ③What’s more,this is the most economical means of spending one’s spare time. ①Others,however,sustain that staying indoors will do a sea of harm to one’s physical and spiritual fitness. ⑤But for outdoor activities of all sorts. we would not secure our body health and may be detached from the actual world. ⑥Personally.I am against this trend in that as a youngster, to get exposed to the sunshine and get close contact with this colorful world is not only necessary but also indispensable for our healthy development.⑦Instead of staying indoors being engaged in the cyber world.I’d prefer to get involved in and be part of the vivid social life. 答案解析:①疑问句引出话题,分词结构either playing cyber games or watching films and TV programs,举例说明“宅”在家里的方式。 ②用引出
第26题: [单项选择]小儿肾病综合征肝肾阴虚首选 A. 真武汤 B. 参苓白术散 C. 杞菊地黄丸 D. 五皮饮 E. 桃红四物汤 参考答案:C
第28题: [单项选择]胸腹联合伤是指() A. 由同一种致伤原因造成胸部和腹部的同时损伤,不伴膈肌破裂 B. 多发伤的一种称谓 C. 由同一种致伤原因造成胸部和腹部的同时损伤,并伴有膈肌破裂 D. 复合伤的一种称谓 E. 由同一种致伤原因造成的多解剖部位的损伤 参考答案:C
第29题: [单项选择]女性,36岁。7年前分娩时失血过多伴晕厥,产后无乳汁,闭经3~4年伴怕冷乏力,体位性头晕,餐前经常手抖,心悸,饥饿感。查体:消瘦,嗓音低哑,毛发稀疏,双乳房萎缩,BP80/50mmHg,血糖3.5mmol/L(正常值3.68~6.12mmol/L),血皮质醇、雌二醇均低。当进一步鉴别原发或继发性内分泌功能低减时,下述哪个试验该患者不适宜() A. TSH兴奋试验 B. TRH兴奋试验 C. LRH兴奋试验 D. CRH兴奋试验 E. 胰岛素负荷试验 参考答案:E