第10题: [单项选择]国外开来的可撤销信用证规定,汇票的付款人为开证行,货物装船完毕,开证行没有撤销信用证,但出口人闻悉申请人已破产倒闭,则( )。 A. 由于付款人破产,货款将落空 B. 开证行得悉申请人破产后,即使货已装船,仍可撤回信用证,受益人未能取得货款 C. 只要单证相符,受益人仍可从开证行取得货款 D. 待付款人财产清算后方可收回货款 参考答案:C 答案解析:[理由] 银行处理信用证业务时,只凭单据,不问货物,它只审查受益人所提交的单据是否与信用证条款相符,以决定其是否履行付款责任。
第14题: [单项选择]Passage Three Questions 33 to 35 are based on the passage you have just heard.A. He would rewrite every record of Brown’s. B. He wanted to watch Brown play some day. C. He considered Brown his idol. D. He shouted his name to Brown. 参考答案:A 答案解析:[解析] Q: What did the young boy say when Brown started to leave
[答案详解] 文中小男孩说:“布朗先生,总
第15题: [多项选择]胸腔闭式引流的适应证()。 A. 胸腔积血 B. 胸腔积气 C. 胸腔积液 D. 单纯性肋骨骨折 E. 心包填塞 参考答案:A, B, C
第16题:[单选题]As a CCNA candidate, you must have a firm understanding of the IPv6. address structure. Refer to IPv6.address, could you tell me how many bits are included in each filed? A. 24. B. 4. C. 3. D. 16. 参考答案:D