第8题:[单选题]关于青霉素引起超敏反应的描述哪项是错误的: A. 可引起Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ型超敏反应 B. 皮试阳性者可采用脱敏注射 C. 初次注射也可引起过敏反应 D. 个体差异明显 E. 青霉烯酸为半抗原 参考答案:B
第9题: [单项选择]乌头炮制后入药的主要目的是() A. 增强疗效 B. 消除或降低药物毒性 C. 提高有效成分的溶解度 D. 帮助机体吸收 E. 改变作用部位 参考答案:B
第10题: [简答题]使用信用卡已经成为一种新的消费方式 2. 使用信用卡的利弊 3. 我的看法
On the Use of Credit Cards
Having a credit card in the pocket is quite common to many young people today.It has become a new and modern way of consumption. Of course,credit cards make it convenient for people to spend and make purchases without cash. Thanks to credit cards,we can save all the labors of taking a great amount of cash with US during a trip.In addition,credit cards make it possible for people to make a purchase first,and pay the bills later.A credit card seems to be especially useful when people are badly in need of money and have nobody to borrow from.Howeve~the use of credit cards may bring some potential problems.Some people may spend more than they can afford.Even worse,some people may use several or dozens of credit cards and overspend. When they can’t pay for the credit card bills,they may turn to some illegal ways to solve the problem. An in all,credit cards are meant to make people’s lives more convenient and more enjoyable.When using credit cards,people should always keep one thing in mind:Be reasonable.Only in this way can we enjoy the pleasure brought by credit cards.
第11题: [单项选择]终身教育思想是由( )提出来的 A. 布鲁纳 B. 保尔·朗格郎 C. 马里坦 D. 马斯洛 参考答案:B 答案解析:[解析] 1965年12月,联合国教科文组织在法国巴黎召开了国际成人教育促进委员会第三次会议。会上,主持会议的法国教育家保尔·朗格郎首次以“终身教育”为题作了总结报告。这次会议被认为是“终身教育”走向