第6题: [简答题]描写一件你认为(或者你经历的、听说的)最有意思或最有意义的事。内容包括: (1)何时、何事、何地。 (2)具体的事件经过。 (3)意义或意思所在。 参考答案:
One thing shocked me in the America is the culture difference between China and America.
One of my American friends,a professor in a university, has a boy at five when I was there.Such a little boy had a girlfriend at five too.The boy always invited her wherever his family went.The little boy introduced her to me when I met her the first time.“This is my girlfriend.”I couldn’t help laughing.He seriously answered my laugh:“Do you think I’ll marry her No way!”
How different the two cultures are at the point of having a girlfriend.
第11题: [单项选择]患儿男,2岁,急诊入院。现高热、声音嘶哑、犬吠样咳嗽、吸气性喉鸣。询问病史发现有上呼吸道感染病史。首选的处理是()。 A. 地塞米松雾化吸入 B. 口服退烧药 C. 输注抗生素 D. 口服化痰药 E. 必要时气管切开 参考答案:A 答案解析:肾上腺糖皮质激素具有抗炎和抑制变态反应的作用。糖皮质激素如地塞米松和麻黄碱雾化吸入,可促进呼吸道黏膜水肿消退,缓解急性喉炎的呼吸道阻塞症状。