第14题: [单项选择]What makes many people believe that our future energy demands will easily be met A. The progress in developing alternative energy. B. The abundant deposit. C. The development of technology. D. All of the above. 参考答案:A 答案解析: [听力原文]Questions<1>-<5> Stan: Hi, Camellia. Have you attended
professor Gabriel’s lecture 第15题:[多选题]专职消防队的职责包含下列哪些职责? A.开展消防安全宣传培训 B.协助消防救援部门开展监督执法检查 C.协助消防救援部门开展灾害事故原因调查 D.法律法规规章规定的其他职责 参考答案:ACD