A. talking about the importance of prudence. B. talking about the necessity of caution. C. talking about the significance of discernment. D. trying to inform of how to distinguish the right from the wron 参考答案:A 答案解析:[详细解答] 文中提到“caution”,“discernment”,“how to distinguish the right from the wrong”,但都是作为解释“prudence”的铺
第32题: [单项选择]下列条件中最适合甲状腺功能亢进症131I治疗的是 A. 早期妊娠的甲亢患者 B. 中期妊娠的甲亢患者 C. 晚期妊娠的甲亢患者 D. 甲亢伴白细胞减少 E. 甲亢伴急性心肌梗死 参考答案:D 答案解析:甲亢伴白细胞减少是甲亢131I治疗适应证之一,而妊娠和合并急性心肌梗死的甲亢患者是甲亢131I治疗的禁忌证。