[简答题]People can recognize differences between children and adults. Can you simply say that college students are adults What events(experiences or ceremonies)make a person an adult You composition should be no less than 400 words.
Working Makes College Students Adults
There are always certain marks in people’s life to indicate they have entered different stages. For instance, the age of twelve means they have to say goodbye to the Children’s Day, and reaching the age of AH equals reaching an ID card. However, can college students past AH years old be considered as real adults Age may be only an official mark of adulthood, but in a strict sense, it is by no means that simple to become adults.
To be an adult in a real sense, one must be able to live on his own, to take the responsibility for himself as well as his families, to stand straight up to face and to deal with the complex society. But most college students, especially those belonging to the generation of "only child", fit none of the above criteria. Although they move into the campus far away from the protective wings of their parents, they can never live without the financial support from their parents. And it is just because they are far away from home and are always rushing off their feet to look after themselves that they have sound excuse to stay away from the responsibility to care about their families. Moreover, having indulged in the pure sunshine of Ivory Tower, the students have no idea of the storm out there in society, let alone confronting with it. In this way, only when college students begin to work, to earn their own money, to compete for a promotion, and to know money does not come easy, do they come near to the definition of adult.
First of all, working makes money, so that they can get rid of the economic dependence for good, and can rent their own apartment, buy their own food, and purchase their own clothes. That is, they are independent individuals who can get along well with life.
Second, when they begin to make money by themselves, they come to realize money derives from hardworking, sweat and toil, at least not as easy as putting hands out to ask for money. Then they can naturally understand what sacrifice and dedication their parents have made to bring them up, and what they should do to repay this selfless love.
Third, in the process of hunting a job, as well as doing a job, they learn the rules around which the society is operating. They may be defeated by the storm for times; they may be frustrated by the upcoming difficulties, but they also acquaint themselves with the experience which can save them another fall next time, and then they gradually become mature, sophisticated, brave, and intelligent.
In a word, we cannot say that college students are adults simply because they are old enough. Only after they have been baptized by social work can they be defined as adults.
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