第1题: [单项选择]A. The woman had been planning for the conference. B. The woman called the man but the line was busy. C. The woman didn’t come back until midnight. D. The woman had guests all evening. 参考答案:D 答案解析:[解析] M: I thought you were going to call me last night about the plans for the conference on lan
第38题: [单项选择]保险公司的资金不可以运用于()。 A. 银行存款 B. 买卖金融机构债券 C. 买卖政府债券 D. 创业风险投资 参考答案:D 答案解析:《保险法》第一百零六条第二款规定,保险公司的资金运用限于下列形式:(一)银行存款;(二)买卖债券、股票、证券投资基金份额等有价证券;(三)投资不动产;(四)国务院规定的其他资金运用形式。