A. the ability to make money B. the will to work for pleasure C. the capacity to enjoy incentives D. the categorizations of our emotional experiences 参考答案:C 答案解析:推理题。由文章第一段最后一句"Society's economic underpinnings(支柱)would be destroyed:… there would be no incentive
第21题: [单项选择]关于平瓦屋面的有关尺寸要求的表述中,正确的是( )。 A. 瓦头挑出封檐板的长度为50~70mm B. 天沟、檐沟的防水层伸入瓦内宽度不小于100mm C. 脊瓦在两坡面瓦上的搭盖宽度,每边不小于30mm D. 突出屋面的墙或烟囱的侧面瓦伸入泛水宽度不小于40mm 参考答案:A
第25题: [简答题]Mr.Roger Brown每月都会在Eastern公司固定购买50英镑的东西,他的消费记录很好。他有房产,有很好的干了20年的工作。但他目前欠Eastern公司87.09英镑,虽然已经给他寄了催款通知。 代表Eastern公司给Mr.Roger Brown写封询问信,信中包含下列要点: (1)你认为一定是有地方出了差错。 (2)仅仅“询问”对方的困难并提供帮助。 (3)请求顾客利用信的背面写一下他的困难并用寄去的信封寄回。 (4)如果只是忽略了,请对方回信时寄回他的支票。 参考答案:
Dear Mr. Roger Brown, Since we have not heard from you for some time, we assume that a problem has prevented you from paying your June A balance of £ HG.0I. If so, I am confident that we can work out payment arrangements satisfactory to us both. Simply use the back of this letter to write a note explaining your difficulty and return it to us in the enclosed envelope. And we will see what we can do to help you out of trouble. If nonpayment has been merely an oversight, please let us have your check by return mail. Looking forward to hearing from you soon.