第2题: [单项选择]轮替试验的检查方法是() A. 肩前屈90°,伸肘,双手张开,一手心向上,一手心向下,交替转动 B. 肩前屈90°,伸肘,一手张开,一手握拳,两手交替伸展握拳 C. 肩前屈90°,伸肘,一侧肘关节屈曲,一侧肘关节伸展,交替进行屈伸运动 D. 屈肘,两示指交替触碰对面检查者的示指 E. 肩前屈90°,伸肘,两示指交替触碰自己的鼻尖 参考答案:A
第34题: [单项选择]How is the school now A. It’s not as good as it was. B. It’s better than it used to be. C. It’s even worse than people say. 参考答案:A 答案解析:[听力原文] W: Is this school really as good as people say M: It used to be even better.