第6题: [单项选择]选择书心用纸,一般做法是()。 A. 普及性图书用胶版印刷纸 B. 大型工具书用轻质印刷纸 C. 学生用工具书用涂布美术印刷纸 D. 文艺类图书用字典纸 参考答案:A 答案解析:本题考查书心用纸的选择。
第7题: [简答题]in this part,you are to write a composition entitled Pressures of Modern Man in no less than 200 words.Your composition should be based on the flowing outline. 1.现代人会遇到各种各样的压力 2.压力的来源 3.如何减轻自己的压力 参考答案:[参考范文] Life in modern society is becoming increasingly strained and busy:as old-fashioned things are soon replaced by new ones,people feel under more and more pressures. Different people endure different pressures.Employees are afraid of being laid off when there is an economic depression.Farmers fear that flood or drought will reduce their har vest.As for students,they have pressures from society,school and parents.A primary school student who is not admitted by a key high school will disappoint his parents very much.In order to find a satisfactory job after graduation,high school students’parents ex pect them to go to university.The same situation occurs to university students.The first thing during their university lives is to get their diplomas.Students without diplomas can hardly find their jobs.So they have to study hard and pass all the exams arranged by schools and the country. In my opinion,it is undoubtedly rough to live in this world.I am a breadwinner in my family.My jobless parents,jobless wife and daughter are waiting for me to support so that I have to work hard and earn enough money.But I have many ways to lessen my pressures. such as making good friends,and doing exercise.With a good state of mind,I am not afraid of any pressure whenever I meet with it.Instead,I have turned pressures into driv ing forces for my career development.
第25题: [单项选择]由于工作繁忙,张某放暑假的儿子无人照看,社会工作者小王协调张莱所在社区的家政服务机构,解决了张某儿子的照管问题。小王提供的这项服务体现社会工作( )的目标。 A. 解除危难 B. 缓解困难 C. 促进发展 D. 解决社会问题 参考答案:B 答案解析:每个社会成员都会遇到诸多困难。一些困难比较严重,当事人应付和解决问题的能力有限,需要别人帮助才能解决。社会工作的目标就是帮助有困难、有需要的人缓解压力、克服困难。本案例中,小王提供的帮助,解决了张某照