第2题: [简答题]根据提示写一篇报道,字数80~100,不必逐字逐句地翻译。 九月十日是教师节,下午中华学校召开庆祝大会,会上表彰了二十位从教三十年以上老教师,并授予他们荣誉奖章。校长发表了热情洋溢的讲话,师生代表也发了言,然后观看了师生表演的文艺节目。一片喜气洋洋的气氛。教师是人类灵魂的工程师,全社会都应该尊敬教师。 参考答案:
September A0 is the Teachers’ Day. In the afternoon, Zhonghua School held a celebration meeting, at which more than twenty old teachers were praised with a medal for their over thirty years of teaching. Our principal made an enthusiastic speech at the meeting, and then the representative of the teachers and students gave talks to us. After the meeting, we started performances played by some teachers and students, which were very interesting and instructive. We all had a wonderful time. I think we all should respect the teachers, who are engineers of human soul.
第30题: [单项选择]影响人群易感性升高因素是 A. 变量值间呈倍数关系的偏态分布 B. 表达同质计量资料的对称分布 C. 偏态分布资料或末端无界的资料,或频数分布不明资料 D. 表达同质量计量资料的偏态、分布 E. 变量值间无倍数关系的正态分布 参考答案:A
第31题: [单项选择]根据《担保法》规定,同一债务有两个以上保证人的,下列哪项表述是错误的() A. 保证人应当按照保证合同约定的保证份额,承担保证责任 B. 没有约定保证份额的,保证人承担连带责任,债权人可以要求任何一个保证人承担全部保证责任,保证人都负有担保全部债权实现的义务 C. 已经承担保证责任的保证人,只能有权向债务人追偿 D. 已经承担保证责任的保证人,有权要求承担连带责任的其他保证人清偿其应当承担的份额 参考答案:C