第15题: [单项选择]1912年5月,袁世凯下达通令说:“近来乃习尚奢华,贪多斗靡„„尚朴素者,多为人嗤”;接着“劝告国民,继自今衣食、日用、冠婚、丧祭诸费,必不可少者,极力从俭;其可少者,一概省之,务期多惜一分物力,即多延一分生命。”下列对该信息的理解正确的是()①普通民众的生活已经较为富裕②传统消费观念发生了较大变化③西方生活方式对国人有一定的影响④政府对民众消费进行强力干预 A. ①② B. ①④ C. ②③ D. ②③④ 参考答案:C
第23题: [单项选择]All the essential services on which we depend are A. run by the Government or our local authorities B. in constant need of financial support C. financed wholly by rates and taxes D. unable to provide for the needs of the population 参考答案:B 答案解析:[解析]由companies的融资讲到government或local authorities都离不开"the Stock Exchange"的存在,正如文中所述"the government loc
A. adhere to B. coincide with C. cling to D. depend on 参考答案:C 答案解析:[试题分析] 近义短语辨义题。 [详细解答] adhere to指“坚持,坚信(观点、意见、计划等); coincide with指“与一致(相符、相同)”;cling to指“抓住不放,依附于