第4题: [填空题]Whom was the man going to give the gifts to He was on his way to give gifts to ______. 参考答案:poor families 答案解析:[听力原文] Whom was the man going to give the gifts to
第21题: [多项选择]一般纳税人在开具专用发票当月,发生销货退回、开票有误等情形,收到退回的发票联、抵扣联符合作废条件的,按作废处理。“作废条件”是指同时具备下列各项中的( )。 A. 收到退回的发票联、抵扣联时间未超过销售方开票当月 B. 销售方未抄税并且未记账 C. 经认证密文有误 D. 购买方未认证或者认证结果为“纳税人识别号认证不符”、“专用发票代码、号码认证不符” 参考答案:A,B,D
第35题: [单项选择]Jane was nervous________. A. because she was worried about the birthday party B. because she found this history course very challenging C. because she thought her term paper might be late D. because she had a very hard time sleeping 参考答案:C