A. he had expected more of the fort to be revealed B. the palisade was very primitive C. only prison labour could produce such good results D. the methods to construct the Roman fort were proved identical 参考答案:C 答案解析:本题询问考文垂考古管理者对犯人参与考古工作的评价。相关信息在文章的第三段,相关语句为“The Keeper of Archaeology said that this was by far the m
A. was ill B. was mentally ill C. was afraid of falling ill D. had attracted world-wide attention 参考答案:C 答案解析:[命题目的]此题考察对段落语义的理解。 [解题要点]详见第五段的语义解释,“当向小女孩保证不是她所担心肺结核后,她就马上停止了打喷嚏”。 [思路拓展]迅速找准题目的出处,做出理解判断。 第28题:[单选题]发动机怠速运转时,踏下踏板少许,若此时发响,则为( )。 A.分离套筒缺油或损坏 B.分离轴承缺油或损坏 C.踏板自由行程过小 D.踏板自由行程过大 参考答案:B