第6题: [单项选择]Which of the following is the reason for Minsk Data to announce reductions in its workforce( ) A. A small drop in profits. B. Too many people in the company. C. The company is in crisis. D. A collapse on the stock market. 参考答案:A
第25题: [单项选择]关于小柴胡汤的加减运用,不正确的是() A. 腹中痛,去黄芩加芍药 B. 胁下痞硬,去人参加牡蛎 C. 心下悸,小便不利去黄芩加茯苓 D. 渴,去半夏加天花粉 E. 不渴,外有微热,去人参加桂枝,去大枣加牡蛎 参考答案:B 答案解析:胁下痞硬,乃是气滞痰凝,应去壅滞之大枣加牡蛎以软坚散结。