参考答案:Topic A: Leadership Tips. Words and Expressions A good leader and a bad leader are different in many ways. A good leader is a person of vision and can inspire people to work hard towards the goal while a bad leader cannot bring people together towards the common goal. / A good leader knows the strengths and weaknesses of his subordinates and assigns them suitable jobs. A bad leader, however, does not know how to judge and use people. / A good leader is open-minded and can listen to different opinions. In contrast, a bad leader is opinionated and would regard people with different opinions as challenging his / her authority. Topic B: Personality Tips. Words and Expressions Personality plays a very important role in achieving professional success. / Personal traits such as openness, agreeableness and extraversion can help one in the professional development. / Openness enables you ready to challenge yourself and learn and welcome feedback from others. / Openness not only makes you learn more, but also makes you a pleasant person to work with. / Agreeableness makes one easy to get along with and likely to gain good cooperation. / If you are outgoing and enjoy being with other people, you can do well in many jobs that require you to work actively with others, such as management and team work. / In all, a good personality can give one more opportunities for career development. Topic C: Friendship Tips, Words and Expressions A friend in need is a friend indeed. / A friend is supportive to one in unfavourable situations, e.g., when one is in financial difficulty, or suffers setbacks or failures. / A friend is understanding and considerate towards friends. / Friends have similar interests and hobbies. / Friends are able to share both happy moments and sad moments. / You can tell your secrets to him / her and will not be betrayed. / A friend is a person to be counted on. 第24题:[单选题] 下面有关遵循测量基本原则的目的,其中不正确的是( )。 A. 防止测量误差的累计过大 B.当测区范围大时,便于分幅测图 C.分幅测图时,保证每一幅图具有同等的测量精度 D.减少劳动强度 参考答案:D 第25题:[单选题]关于锐器伤的预防措施,错误的是 A.如不慎发生锐器伤,应立即采取相应的保护措施,清创,对创面进行严格消毒处理 B.被HBV阳性病人血液、体液污染了的锐器刺伤,应在1周内注射乙型肝炎高效价免疫球蛋白 C.对发生锐器伤者进行血源性疾病的检查和随访 D.被HBV阳性病人血液、体液污染的锐器刺伤,应进行血液乙型肝炎标志物检查 参考答案:B 第26题:[判断题]生产经营单位必须依据风险评估及应急能力评估结果,组织编制应急预案。 A.正确 B.错误 参考答案:A 第27题:[单选题]绝缘靴可用作防止 ( )电击的基本安全用具。 A.直接接触 B.间接接触 C.单线 D.跨步电压 参考答案:D 第28题:[判断题]《安规》条文说明第2.7.6条,雨量警戒值分为出巡警戒、限速警戒和封锁警戒。 A.正确 B.错误 参考答案:A 第29题: [单项选择]张某,女,28岁。1998年3月28日就诊。主诉:便秘2个月,患者发病的2个月前刮宫产一女婴,因术中出血过多,曾输血600毫升。分娩后至今,每次排便均需外用开塞露或服果导片,以后用药量渐增大。现每需服7~8片果导方能排便。现症见:大便干结如栗,面色萎黄,唇淡发脱,头晕目眩,失眠健忘,心悸易惊,指尖麻木,口臭食少。检查:舌质淡白,脉细涩。血红蛋白:80克/升。如果津液已复,便仍干燥首选何方药润肠通便 () A. 五仁丸 B. 大承气汤 C. 小承气汤 D. 六磨汤 E. 黄芪汤 参考答案:A 第30题:[单选题]地面、高架线路沿线建构筑物或者植物妨碍行车瞭望、侵入限界的由城市轨道交通运营主管部门责令相关责任人和单位限期改正、消除影响;逾期未改正的,可以对个人处以元以下的罚款,对单位处以以下的罚款;造成损失的,依法承担赔偿责任;情节严重构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责。 A.5000、30000 B.10000、20000 C.10000、30000 D.5000、20000 参考答案:A 城市轨道交通运营管理规定第六章第五十二条 出题人/岗位:刘志涛/人事管理 第31题:[单选题] "患者,女性,65岁,因“急性广泛前壁心肌梗死”收人CCU。入院后8小时,患 者突发呼吸困难、端坐呼吸、伴满肺湿啰音,诊断为“急性肺水肿”。患者目前应给予的氧疗为【】 A.持续低流量吸氧 B.间断中等流量吸氧 C.酒精湿化髙流量吸氧 参考答案:C 第32题:[单选题]使用接地电阻测试仪使用前需备齐测量时所必需的( ) 及全部仪器附件,并将仪器和接地探针擦拭干净。 A.电源 B.工具 C.地线 D.以上都不对 参考答案:B 第33题: [单项选择]女性,65岁。行走时不慎摔倒,右臀着地,伤后右髋痛,不能站立行走。检查见患肢短缩,有内收外旋60°畸形,大粗隆上移。其诊断最可能是 A. 右骶髂关节脱位 B. 股骨颈骨折 C. 股骨转子间骨折 D. 髋关节后脱位 E. 骨盆骨折 参考答案:B 第34题:[单选题]动车组以外的旅客列车尾部标志灯的摘挂、保管,由( )负责。 A.车务部门 B.工务部门 C.机务部门 D.车辆部门 参考答案:D 技331 第35题: [多项选择]中度有机磷中毒的临床表现为() A. 肌纤维颤动 B. 瞳孔明显缩小 C. 轻度呼吸困难 D. 大汗淋漓 E. 脑水肿 参考答案:A, B, C, D 第36题: [单项选择]()领导全国武装力量。 A. 中华人民共和国中央军事委员 B. 国防部 C. 国家主席 参考答案:A 第37题:[判断题]现代保存下来的园林大多属于明清时期,这些园林充分表现了中国古典园林的独特风格和高超的造园技术 () A.正确 B.错误 参考答案:A 我来回答: 提交