[单项选择]Which of the following is NOT true A. The rarer material an antique is made of, the more valuable it is. B. Most antiques belong to the decorative arts. C. An antique may be valuable because of its design. D. Household furnishings are most likely to become antiques.
第29题: [单项选择]由办公室主任领导,承担基本的秘书工作,保证领导机关正常运转的机关办公室是 ______ A. 临时秘书部门 B. 高级秘书部门 C. 典型秘书部门 D. 广义秘书部门 参考答案:C 答案解析:在我国,典型的秘书部门是指各级党政领导机关的办公厅(室),以及企事业单位中的领导机关,如厂部、校部、院部的办公室、秘书处、科、股等。它们由秘书长或办公厅(室)主任领导,承担着各种基本的秘书工作,保证领