参考答案:Topic A: Why are fast food chains so successful throughout the world Suggested Answers Throughout the world, we see fast food restaurants such as McDonald’s, KFC flourishing. There are many reasons for their success. Among them, the major ones include: Firstly, successful marketing strategies: Advertisements and commercials on TV and other media make it appear cool and trendy to eat at their establishments to young people. They use toys and gifts tied with their meal to attract kids and their parents. Secondly, in a fast-paced modern society, fast food restaurants cater to people’ need for convenience and efficiency. Fast food restaurants also offer reliable and standardized food regardless of a restaurant’s location and size. The brands and symbols convey to customers a sense of credibility and reliability. Topic B: How do you keep fit Suggested Answers A healthy body is important to every one. There are several ways to keep fit and stay healthy. Having a balanced diet is essential to good health. A balanced diet means we shouId take in different kinds of nutrients, not only fat and protein, but also carbohydrates and fibers-vegetables and fruits. Regular exercise also holds the key to well-being. You can walk to your office instead of taking the bus or driving a car. You can also walk upstairs instead of taking the elevator. In addition, a positive attitude towards life contributes greatly to good health. If you look at things on the bright side and have an optimistic view towards life, you will feel happy and contented. Then you can eat well and sleep well and your body will be in excellent condition. Topic C: Do you agree with the proverb "You are what you eat" Why Suggested Answers I totally agree with the saying "You are what you eat". This saying means what you eat contribute greatly to improving or destroying your health. It is true that the food you eat has a bearing on your state of mind and health. For instance, if you take in too much animal fat, you are likely to have hypertension and heart disease. Conversely, if you have a balanced diet and take in enough nutrition and fibers, you are less likely to have heart disease, hypertension and diabetes. If you can stay in good shape, you are better able to withstand pressure and stress, which can contribute to a healthy mind. 第21题:[单选题]在建筑起重机械的租赁、安装、拆卸和使用过程中,出租单位、安装单位、使用单位、总承包单位和监理单位应当进行相应的管理。对于以下几种类型的设备可以出租和使用的是( )。 A.属国家明令淘汰或者寨止使用的 B.接近安全技术标准或者制造厂家规定的使用年限的 C.经检验达不到安全技术标准规定的 D.没有完整安全技术档案的 参考答案:B 第22题:[判断题]钢梁明桥面护轨铺设应符合下列要求:自动闭塞区间,护轨应安装绝缘装置。《修规》第3.1.9条 A.正确 B.错误 参考答案:A 第23题: [单项选择]甲从某地出发匀速前进,一段时间后,乙从同一地点以同样的速度同向前进,在K时刻乙距起点30米;他们继续前进,当乙走到甲在K时刻的位置时,甲离起点108米。问:此时乙离起点多少米( ) A. 39米 B. 69米 C. 78米 D. 138米 参考答案:B 答案解析:设乙出发时甲已经前进了x米,根据题意,K时刻甲走了(x+30)米,当乙再走x米到达甲在K时刻的位置时,甲走了(2x+30)米,有2x+30=108,解得x=39(米),此时乙离起点30+39=69(米 第24题:[单选题]组织结构作为决定内部控制的基本条件,在不同的组织之间有不同的特点。那么下列组织结构的特征中,对于等级性和开放性的组织结构都适用的是: A.为了责任到人,某个组织内部的部门设置为分工十分详细的多层级部门 B.责任与充分的授权相结合 C.一个组织中的销售主管的下属人员有10人 D.管理层可以采用自行决策和授权决策等不同的决策方法,并且可以转嫁对决策结果的最终责任 参考答案:B 选项A,部门设置精细的组织结构不一定适用于等级性和开放性的组织;选项B,责任与充分的授权相结合是管理的一般原则,对于等级性和开放松的组织结构都是使用的;选项C,管理跨度取决于管理者的能力、偏好和组织特征等因素,所以10人的管理跨度不一定适合所有的组织结构;选项D,管理层可以采用自行决策和授权决策等不同的决策方法,但应承担对决策结果的责任。 第25题: [填空题]从狭义上理解,制定某个学程的具体过程是()。 参考答案:课程设计 第26题: [单项选择]阳明经证与阳明腑证临床主要鉴别点是() A. 发热的轻重 B. 是否汗出 C. 有无腹痛便秘 D. 有无烦躁狂乱 E. 舌脉有明显差异 参考答案:C 第27题:[单选题]串联电容器等效电容量的倒数等于各个电容器的电容量( )。 A.倒数之和 B.总和 C.乘积 D.和的平方 参考答案:A 第28题:[判断题] 程序正义的一个突出功能就是权力可能被滥用有较强的预防和制约作用 A.正确 B.错误 参考答案:B 第29题:[单选题]下列不属于应急医疗箱内物品的是 A.电子体温计 B.动脉止血带 C.听诊器 D.血压计 参考答案:B 第30题: [单项选择]某女,18岁,痫病发作后来诊,发病前有眩晕,胸闷,现痰多,舌红,苔白腻,脉滑。针灸治疗除印堂、鸠尾、间使、太冲、丰隆外,应加用( ) A. 曲池、神门、内庭 B. 合谷、阴陵泉、风池 C. 心俞、脾俞、足三里 D. 肝俞、肾俞、太溪 E. 丰隆、膈俞、内关 参考答案:B 第31题:[不定项选择题]蟾酥的用量 A.0.002~0.004g B.0.03~0.06g C.0.3~0.6g D.0.015~0.03g E.0.05~0.1g 参考答案:D 我来回答: 提交