第6题: [单项选择]以下是某市体委对该市业余体育运动爱好者一项调查中的若干结论:所有的桥牌爱好者都爱好围棋;有围棋爱好者爱好武术;所有的武术爱好者都不爱好健身操;有桥牌爱好者同时爱好健身操。如果在题千中再增加一个结论:每个围棋爱好者都爱好武术或者健身操,则以下哪个人的业余体育爱好和题干断定的条件矛盾 A. 一个桥牌爱好者,既不爱好武术,也不爱好健身操。 B. 一个健身操爱好者,既不爱好围棋,也不爱好桥牌。 C. 一个武术爱好者,爱好围棋,但不爱好桥牌。 D. 一个武术爱好者,既不爱好围棋,也不爱好桥牌。 参考答案:A 答案解析:由条件可知,所有的桥牌爱好者都爱好围棋,又知每个围棋爱好者都爱好武术或者健身操,所以每个桥牌爱好者都爱好武术或者健身操,即不存在桥牌爱好者既不爱好武术也不爱好健身操的情况。因此,A项和题干断定的条件矛
第7题: [单项选择]初产妇,28岁,妊娠39周临产,产程进展顺利。宫口开全1小时后胎心100~110次/分,儿头S+3,LOP,羊水粪染,考虑胎儿宫内窘迫。即低位产钳娩出女婴4000g,随之阴道有活动性鲜血流出约150ml,胎盘自娩,检查胎盘胎膜完整,但阴道仍出血多,色鲜红,伴血块约400ml。子宫轮廓清晰,质硬。 对该患者应立即进行的检查是 A. 再检查胎盘有无异常 B. 探查宫腔有无胎盘残留 C. 检查宫颈有无裂伤或侧切有无延裂 D. 导尿,排空膀胱以保证宫缩好 E. 测血压脉搏及查凝血功能 参考答案:C
第30题: [单项选择]某软件公司计划未来若干年内产值年均增长26%,估计 (29) 年后产值可以翻一番。 A. 3 B. 4 C. 5 D. 6 参考答案:A 答案解析:[要点解析] 设该软件公司目前的产值为X,按每年26%的速度增长,1年后的产值约为 X×(1+26%)=1.26X;2年后约为X×(1+26%)2=1.5876X;3年后约为X×
第36题:[简答题]<br><br><br/>参考答案:1. Snow is a subject of great interest to weather experts. 2.Snow falls in extreme northern and southern areas of the world throughout the year. 3.Snow can be beautiful to look at,but it can also be dangerous. 4.Snowis responsibleforthedeaths ofhundreds ofpeopleintheUnited States everyyear. 5.However,they can avoid becoming victims of winter snowstorms. 6.Experts sometimes have difficulty estimating where,when or how much snow will fall. 7.The heaviest snowfalls have been reported m the mountains of other areas during winter. 8.Many people die in traffic accidents on roads that are covered with snow or ice.Others die from being out in the cold or from heart attacks caused by extreme physical activity. 9.A few years ago,a major storm caused serious problems in the eastern United States. The storm was blamed for more than one hundred deaths and it forced nine states to declare emergency measures. 10.People should stay in their homes until the stoma has passed and keep a lot of neces sary supplies in the home.Drivers trapped in their vehicles,should remain in or near their car.People living in areas with winter storms should carry emergency supplies in their vehicles 答案解析:[解析] Snow is a subject of great interest to weather experts.Experts sometimes have difficult