第5题: [单项选择]长期存活的肾移植受者,最易发生的肿瘤是()。 A. Kaposi肉瘤 B. 非霍奇金淋巴瘤 C. 肝癌 D. 肾癌 E. 黑色素瘤 参考答案:A 答案解析:在长期存活的肾移植受者中,由于患者需要长期服用免疫抑制剂,肿瘤发生率上升,并且治疗效果要差于没有接受过肾移植手术的同等期别癌症患者。上述5种肿瘤都可发生,但最易发生的肿瘤是Kaposi肉瘤。
第6题: [多项选择]UFO报表可以按以下哪些条件作为表页汇总条件?() A. 以单元的值为汇总条件 B. 以关键字的值为汇总条件 C. 以表页号为汇总条件 D. 以报表名为汇总条件 参考答案:A, B, C
参考答案:We should not be too romantic about the matter of personal relations.Humans are very interesting in that when they meet for the first time. they will first see each other’s merits.This is quite like our dining experience in a restaurant.The taste of the first or the cold dish would impress diners who would still be profuse in praise when they eat the first two entrees.But as they become increasingly analytical during the course of the feast,diners would find all the flaws with the dishes by the time they finish.Then delight turns to anger,praise to reproach or particularity,and nodding to head shaking.One explanation for this is that diners are just in a state of hunger.A hungry person could find husk of grain sweet as if it were added with honey,whereas a full person might complain that even honey is not sweet enough.
第34题: [单项选择]张某在火车站候车室窃得某人一提包,到僻静处打开一看,里面没有钱财,却有手枪一支,子弹若干发,张某便将枪支、子弹放回包内,然后藏于家中。张某的行为构成何罪?( ) A. 非法持有枪支、弹药罪 B. 盗窃枪支、弹药罪 C. 非法储存枪支、弹药罪 D. 非法携带枪支、弹药罪 参考答案:A 答案解析:张某误将枪支、弹药当作一般财物进行盗窃,属于对象认识错误。对于这种认识错误,应当在主客观统一的范围内认定犯罪。对于本题而言,只能认定为普通盗窃罪,而不能认定为盗窃枪支、弹药罪。张某取得枪支、子弹后,将