第4题: [单项选择]下面对编辑框(EditBox)控件属性的描述正确的是______。 A. SetLength属性的设置可以小于0 B. 当ScrollBars的属性值为0时,编辑框内包含水平滚动条 C. SelText属性在做界面设计时不可用,在运行时可读写 D. Readonly属性值为工时,用户不能使用编辑框上的滚动条 参考答案:C
As one of the pillar industries,auto industry has been influencing the whole national economy.Since the reform and opening up,China’s auto industry,oriented towards the market,has made long-stride progress. China established its auto industrial system in the period of planned economy,mainly for the production of cargo vehicles.In recent years,in order to stimulate people’s consumption,spur the market and enlarge domestic demands,our country has impelled the development of auto industry as one of the two pillar industries.Chinese auto industry has unfolded such features as great domestic market potentials,high degree of inter-relations with other industries and strong capability of fund accumulations. With quick development of national economy and further reform of economic system toward market economy,there are some disadvantages as well,such as the trend of duplicated construction and blind launch of new projects.However,with merger and acquisition in auto industry gaining momentum,the deficiency has been curbed.Because the structure of auto consumption market has changed significantly,and private purchase has increased, the focus of competition among auto manufacturers is being shifted to product grade,function,performance and quality. It is undoubted that China’S auto industry is playing a more and more important role in the whole national economy.Aithough the prospect is bright,we have to bear in mind that there is a long way to go compared with the world’s advanced level.
第27题: [单项选择]目前最准确的眼压测量方式为() A. Schiotz眼压计 B. Goldmann压平眼压计 C. 非接触眼压计 D. Perkins压平式眼压计 E. 指测法 参考答案:B
第28题: [单项选择]关于申报日期,下列表述正确的选项是: A. 申报日期是指报关单位向海关传输电子数据报关单及呈验随附单证的日期。 B. 电子数据报关单经过海关计算机检查被退回重新申报的,申报日期为海关接受重新申报的日期。 C. 海关已接受申报的报关单电子数据,经人工审核后,需要对部分内容修改的,申报日期为修改后海关接受申报的日期。 D. 不选。 参考答案:B 答案解析:[说明] 《中华人民共和国海关进出口货物申报管理规定》第十条规定:电子数据报关单经过海关计算机检查被退回的,视为海关不接受申报。进出口货物收发货人、受委托的报关企业应当按照要求修改后重新申报,申报日期