[单项选择]二十八岁经产妇,妊娠37周,阴道无痛性多量流血5小时入院。查血压80/60mmHg,脉搏102次/分。无宫缩,宫底在剑突下2指,臀先露,胎心率94次/分,骨盆外测量正常。确诊本例需参考的辅助检查结果是() A. 血压高 B. B型超声见胎盘下缘部分覆盖宫颈内口 C. 胎心听不清 D. 贫血程度与阴道失血量不相符 E. 子宫有局限性压痛
第8题: [单项选择]Why does the speaker mention the historical sites A. Some of them are inaccessible to beginning cyclists. B. Some of them commemorate the development of the bicycle. C. They are nice places to visit on bicycle tours. D. They help to make New Jersey a wealthy state. 参考答案:C
第9题: [单项选择]禽类排出氨的主要形式是 A. 尿素 B. 嘌呤 C. 尿酸盐 D. 游离氨 E. 谷氨酰胺 参考答案:B