第19题: [单项选择]肾炎性水肿易出现于() A. 眼睑、颜面 B. 胫前、足踝 C. 阴囊、会阴 D. 胸腔、腹腔 E. 背部、骶部 参考答案:A 答案解析:肾炎性水肿时,钠、水潴留于细胞外液的各个部分,水肿常为全身性,而以眼睑、颜面等组织疏松处为著。【该题针对“泌尿系统疾病概述”知识点进行考核】
第30题: [单项选择]脾阳虚所致的腹痛特点是() A. 隐隐作痛 B. 疼痛游走不定 C. 绞痛 D. 掣痛 E. 重痛 参考答案:A
第31题: [单项选择]He had gone away on business and would not return to the hotel until the next day. I should have to wait till ______ I could thank him for the present. A. afterwards B. then before C. then D. then therefore 参考答案:B