第2题: [单项选择]医疗机构需要使用麻醉药品和第一类精神药品,应当()。 A. 取得《麻醉药品、第一类精神药品购用印鉴卡》,并凭卡向本省定点批发企业购买 B. 取得《麻醉药品、第一类精神药品购用卡》,并凭卡向本省定点批发企业购买 C. 取得《麻醉药品、第一类精神药品印鉴卡》,并凭卡向本省定点批发企业购买 D. 取得《特殊管理药品购用印鉴卡》,并凭卡向本省定点批发企业购买 参考答案:A 答案解析:本题考查要点是"麻醉药品和第一类精神药品的购买程序"。《麻醉药品、第一类精神药品购用印鉴卡管理规定》第二条规定,医疗机构需要使用麻醉药品和第一类精神药品,应当取得《麻醉药品、第一类精神药品购用印鉴卡》
第12题: [多项选择]从水平地面上同时抛出小球A和小球B,A沿竖直向上的方向抛出,B沿斜向上抛出,它们恰好同时到达最高点,不计空气阻力。则() A. A、B均做匀变速运动 B. B的加速度比A的大 C. A上升的最大高度比B大 D. 落地时B的速度比A大 参考答案:A, D 答案解析:两物体在空中只受重力作用,加速度相同且不变,所以两物体均作匀变速运动,A正确、B错误;竖直方向均作竖直上抛,同时到达最高点,运动时间相同,B抛出时的竖直速度与A相等,上升的最大高度相等,C错误;B还有
第32题: [多项选择]The interview—about 3 minutes In this part interlocutor asks questions to each of the candidates in turn. You in this part have to give information about yourself and express personal opinions. 参考答案:What’s your name How to spell your first name and last name My name is A. It’s spelled as.... What do you do in your spare time Why I like gaming because it practices my shooting skill. Do you enjoy studying English Why (not) Of course, I do. I’m indulged in surfing on the internet. The ruling language there is English. Can almost do nothing if I don’t know English. Can you tell me something about the company you now work in I’m working in a foreign company. Its main products are cosmetics. We have branches throughout the country. Our staff is as large its over B00 members. Tell me something about transport in your city. Even through Beijing is an international metropolis which has been developing rather fast, city transport is still a bottleneck. Cars wait in long lines at crossroads before they crawl forward inch by inch. Don’t you curse the delay for it’s no use. Just be patient and pray.
第36题: [单项选择]五岁男性患者,拟在常温下行脑膜血管瘤摘除术,术前血压160/95mmHg,ECG、肝、肾功能正常,术中拟行控制性降压。进颅后,该患者血压升至170/100mmHg。心率125次/分,此时应如何处理() A. 立即滴注硝普钠降压,以防脑血管破裂 B. 停止输液 C. 立即推注硝酸甘油降压 D. 系中枢性高血压,先给甘露醇降颅压 E. 先加深麻醉,检查通气情况,再酌情处理 参考答案:E