第20题:[单选题]问题 2: Why is MV Blue Whale advised to keep clear of the fairway?( ) A. There is a large tanker in the fairway. B.There is a fishing vessel in the fairway. C. Naval exercise is in progress. D. Salvage operation is in progress. 参考答案:D
第35题: [单项选择]当Applet小程序窗口需要重画时,将调用下列哪个方法 A. Hello B. hello C. Hel D. null 参考答案:C 答案解析:双精度数据强制转换成单精度数据后,其数值精度会降低。注意:强制转换是将位数多的数据类型向位数少的数据类型转换,而在计算机中,位数越少,精度越低。