第16题: [填空题]By piecing together all kinds of evidence collected by various expeditions, the researchers believe the Mayas to be Indians, whose ancestors had come from Asia. 参考答案:N 答案解析:在Possible Answers这部分第一段提到"there are brown skinned Indian people called the Mayas. Scientists believe
第33题: [单项选择]区别血尿和血红蛋白尿的主要方法是() A. 观察血尿颜色 B. 做尿胆原测定 C. 做尿潜血试验 D. 做尿三杯试验 E. 做尿沉渣镜检 参考答案:E 答案解析:血红蛋白尿可呈酱油色或暗红色,见于血管内溶血。阵发性睡眠性血红蛋白尿等,血卟啉病及铅中毒时亦可出现红色尿液,此种血尿统称为“假性血尿”。鉴别需要反复进行尿沉渣镜检有无红细胞即可。