第6题: [单项选择]从节能要求出发,下列叙述中哪项错误() A. 建筑总平面的布置和设计,宜利用冬季日照并避开冬季主导风向 B. 建筑总平面的布置和设计,宜利用夏季自然通风 C. 严寒、寒冷地区建筑的体形系数应小于或等于0.45 D. 当不能满足体形系数要求时,可以按规范规定进行权衡计算 参考答案:C
第10题: [单项选择]The author mentions Chicago in the second paragraph as an example of a city______. A. that is large B. that is used as a model for land development C. where land development exceeded population growth D. with an excellent mass transportation system 参考答案:C