第36题: [简答题]Questions 13 to 15 are based on the following passage: A. A.Because they have to eat and sleep at the fire house. B.Because they have to be ready to answer an alarm day and night. C.Because they have to work eight hours a day. D.Because they are on duty.
第37题: [单项选择]女性,53岁。左乳腺癌手术后化学治疗中。5d前起咳嗽,痰少,颜色不黄。渐有发热,体温最高38.5℃,伴畏寒。血白细胞计数2.8×10/L,X线胸部摄片示右中下肺野大片模糊阴影,并见不规则透亮区,伴右侧少量胸腔积液。本例经验抗菌治疗宜采用() A. 第三代头孢菌素联合氨基糖苷类 B. 大剂量青霉素联合庆大霉素 C. 大剂量青霉素联合甲硝唑 D. 万古霉素 E. 亚胺培南 参考答案:A