第20题: [单项选择]Why will the Hindu Nationalist Party boycott Sonia Ghandi’s sworn-in ceremony A. Because she is not a native Indian. B. Because she was horn in Italia. C. Because she is from an infamous family. D. Because she forces the Hindu Nationalist Party out of power. 参考答案:A
第21题: [单项选择]灯塔的光往往并不是一直亮着,而是时断时续,其原因是() A. 明灭闪动的灯光,最容易引起航船的注意 B. 海岛上的电压不稳 C. 海岛上的电来之不易,需要节约用电 D. 这是渔民自定后来变成约定俗成的一种信号 参考答案:A