A. Some customers are the shareholders of a store. B. Department stores offer more service for customers. C. Customers think they are kings. D. Customers are respected as a king in business circle. 参考答案:D 答案解析:本题问“第一段三行处的‘革命性理念’的含义是什么”。文中提到"When a customer enters my store,forget me. He is king." claimed John
第18题: [简答题]What were the contents of the New Deal? 参考答案:
—— The New Deal included the following contents;
(1) establishment and strengthening of government regulation and control of banking, credit and currency systems, overcoming the financial crisis and restriction of certain extreme practices of financial capital;
(2) federal government management of relief and establishment of social security system such as the formation of the Civilian Conservation Crops and the setting-up of the Tennessee Valley Authority;
(3) stimulation of the recover of industry and agriculture;
(4) formulation and implementation of federal labour laws to raise the role of labour in the relations of production;
(5) improvement of the situation of minorities and members of certain religious groups.
第22题: [多项选择]精氨酸可参与下列哪些物质的合成 A. 尿素 B. 肾上腺素 C. 肌酸 D. PAPS 参考答案:A,C 答案解析:精氨酸是尿素合成的三个重要中间产物(鸟氨酸、瓜氨酸和精氨酸)之一。肌酸是由甘氨酸提供骨架,精氨酸提供脒基,SAM提供甲基合成的。肾上腺素是由“苯丙氨酸→酪氨酸→多巴”分解而来,无精氨酸的参与。活性硫酸
第35题: [单项选择]下列经济活动中,会引起资产和负债同时增加的是( )。 A. 以银行存款支付购入材料价款 B. 资本公积转增实收资本 C. 发行债券,收到的款项存入银行 D. 收到现金股利 参考答案:C 答案解析:[考点] 借贷记账法 [解析] A项经济业务的借贷方均为资产类账户,不会引起资产和负债的变动;B项是所有者权益内部的增减变动;C项使得应付债券增加,银行存款增加;D项使得资产和所有者权益增加。所