第26题: [单项选择]Which of the following details is correct A. Dad used to be bad tempered. B. Dad had a check last month. C. Dad had known his disease. D. The doctor was not sure of Dad’s diseas 参考答案:D 答案解析:[解析] 根据原文“The doctor says he may have to go into hospital.”和“They’re not sure.But they think it may
第28题: [配伍题]急性咽后脓肿表现为( )|结核性咽后脓肿表现为( )|咽旁脓肿表现为( )|扁桃体周脓肿表现为( )|白血病性咽峡炎表现为( ) A. 咽不痛,扁桃体肿大,表面坏死,覆盖灰白色假膜,伴有口腔溃疡,全身淋巴结肿大 B. 咽痛剧烈,微张口流涎,言语含糊 C. 烦躁不安,呼吸困难,咽后壁一侧隆起,粘膜充血 D. 无咽痛,咽部阻塞感,咽后壁中央隆起,粘膜色泽较淡 E. 咽痛,颈部僵直,下颌角后方肿胀,触诊坚硬并有压痛 参考答案:C|D|E|B|A