第8题: [单项选择]某数据库的表中要添加一张Excel电子表格,则该采用的字段类型是 A. OLE对象数据类型 B. 超级连接数据类型 C. 查阅向导数据类型 D. 自动编号数据类型 参考答案:A 答案解析:解析:OLE对象指的是其他使用OLE协议程序创建的对象,例如,Word文档、Excel电子表格、图像、声音和其他二进制数据。
第10题: [单项选择]以下关于代表人诉讼制度的说法错误的是: A. 当事人一方人数众多的时候,可以形成代表人诉讼 B. 推举诉讼代表人后,被代表的当事人不能再自行参加诉讼 C. 代表人可以由当事人从当事人或当事人以外的符合条件的人中推选 D. 代表人的诉讼行为对被代表的当事人发生效力,但未经被代表人同意不能处分实体权利 参考答案:C 答案解析:[考点] 代表选任 [解析] C项的错误在于代表人必须要从当事人中推选,而不能由当事人以外的人担任代表人。根据《民诉意见》第54、55条的规定,其他各项说法均正确。
(Student’s sample) As we all know that cigarette smoking not only harms to the smoker’s health but also threats to public health. It causes air pollution. In order to stop or reduce smoking, many measures are taken. Public places must put many no-smoking signs. Bad results of smoking are written in newspapers and even broadcast on TV to tell smokers. In our country the date April G is "Stop-smoking Day". (Improved sample) It is known to all that cigarette smoking is not only harmful to the smoker’s health but also a threat to public health as it is one of the causes of air pollution. In order to stop or reduce smoking, many measures have been taken. For example, many no-smoking signs are put in public places; bad effects of smoking are printed in newspapers and even shown on TV to warn smokers. In our country April G is set as "Nonsmoking Day".