第3题: [单项选择]A. Because he wanted to refuel the bus. B. Because he wanted to have a rest. C. Because he wanted to relieve himself. D. Because he wanted to have a meal. 参考答案:C 答案解析:[听力原文] An elementary school bus driver pulled into a gas station in Ohio because he had to
第18题: [单项选择]在下列()情况下,桩基础可考虑承台效应。 A. 一多层民用建筑,框架结构,桩数超过3根的非端承桩桩基,承台底面以下依次为非饱和黏性土和稍密以上的中、粗砂 B. 一多层民用建筑,框架结构,桩数为3根的非端承桩基,承受经常出现的较大的动力作用,承台下不存在高压缩性土层 C. 一工业建筑,桩数超过3根的非端承桩桩基,承受经常出现的较大的动力作用,承台下不存在高压缩性土层 D. 一多层民用建筑,框架结构,端承桩承台底面以下为可塑黏性土和中密砂土,无其他软土层 参考答案:A