第21题: [单项选择]男性,3岁。右腹股沟可复性包块1年余,玩耍后不停哭闹伴呕吐6小时。查体:右侧阴囊肿胀,内可触及肿块,肿块呈蒂状延至腹股沟部,触痛明显,不可还纳。若肠管已坏死,正确的处理是() A. 肠段切除吻合后行Halsted法修补 B. 肠段切除吻合后行疝囊高位结扎术 C. 肠段切除吻合后行Bassini修补术 D. 肠段切除吻合后行McVay修补术 E. 肠段切除吻合后行无张力疝修补术 参考答案:B
第33题: [单项选择]What is the woman trying to do A. Get directions to the bus station. B. Get to the grocery store. C. Give the man directions to the bus station. D. Find out where the stoplight is. 参考答案:A 答案解析:[听力原文] W: Could you please tell me how to get to the bus station here M: Go straight until yo